Posture Corrector Stories: Before and After

BackEmbrace: Before & After

If you’re thinking about trying a posture corrector to straighten your spine or relieve back, neck and shoulder pain, it’s helpful to hear how posture correctors have helped others achieve proper posture. We asked BackEmbrace customers to share their “back” stories and posture corrector before and after pictures to lend some insight into the real results you can expect when you use a posture corrector.

Posture corrector FAQs: Top questions answered

Aurelie Devon

As a Reiki healer, dancer, speaker and writer, the multi-talented Aurelie Devon understands the importance of proper posture. However, like many of us, Aurelie often found herself slouching when spending hours hunched over her laptop. She turned to the BackEmbrace.

Before using her posture corrector, Aurelie sat with the head-forward, rounded back, “tech neck” posture that often causes neck, shoulder and back pain. After using the posture corrector, she no longer slouches and she maintains good posture throughout her spine, which will help her avoid aches and pains commonly associated with poor desk posture. The posture corrector helped train her muscles so she holds good posture even when she’s not wearing it. 

How to prevent back pain when sitting: What doctors say

Improving her posture helps Aurelie in every walk of her professional life. Good posture fosters core strength for dancing. It helps maintain focus and avoid fatigue, tightness and pain associated with writing on a laptop. The mind-body connection is central to Reiki healing, and proper posture lends confidence as correctors teach wearers to stand tall whether they’re walking, jogging or giving a public speech.

Before and after photos

These photos depict how Aurelie Devon sits at her desk before and after wearing a posture corrector. Notice her improved posture as she holds her neck in an upright position, her back has the proper curvature and her shoulders are back, not slumped. 

BackEmbrace before and after

Posture correctors aren’t just for sitting. This photo shows how Aurelie wears hers when standing. Notice how her shoulders remain in proper position as she stands tall.

BackEmbrace Posture corrector for women

Read: Do posture correctors work? Here’s what back doctors say

Ariane Wellmann

Ariane lives on an off-grid farm in Australia, where her daily life requires extremely physical work. She has a passion for weightlifting and has lifted her entire adult life. Over time, her arduous work coupled with her training created a muscle imbalance that led to rounded shoulders and poor posture. For years, she suffered from neck, shoulder and arm pain before she decided to try a posture corrector. 

“I don’t believe in quick fixes when it comes to wellness, but I do believe in tools that can support you to reach your health goals,” she says.

After evaluating her options, Ariane decided on the BackEmbrace. She wore it between 30 minutes and two hours each day, especially when taking walks because she says it reminded her to stand tall and keep her shoulders back. Ariane says her posture corrector was comfortable, practical, high-quality and stylish. 

5 types of posture problems & how to fix your posture

“Wearing the BackEmbrace is body awareness practice,” she says. “It does not do the work of supporting your muscles for you. Rather, it helps you train your muscles to improve your posture. According to my research, that is exactly what you want from a posture corrector. The BackEmbrace makes me feel strong! I love that feeling.”

After photos

Here are some spontaneous mirror selfies Ariane took before heading out on a walk with her dogs. In the first picture, you can see how her posture corrector keeps her shoulders and neck in alignment when she stands, helping her maintain a fit, trim appearance. 

BackEmbrace posture corrector

This photo shows how Ariane’s corrector supports her spinal curve and activates the muscle groups responsible for good posture.

Read: How to use a posture corrector

Kristina Rodulfo

Kristina reviewed the BackEmbrace for Women’s Health Magazine, where she recounted her transition from an ergonomic office setup to a makeshift dining table workstation during the COVID-19 quarantine. In the article, Kristina credited her BackEmbrace posture corrector with saving her from her “quarantine slouch.”

Working from her dining table made Kristina’s shoulders and neck achy, tight and sore. She says that she tends to crane her neck over her laptop, hunch her shoulders and round her back while she works, making her feel “twisted as a pretzel” by the end of the workday. She decided to try the BackEmbrace, which she writes is the “most effective, comfortable posture corrector” she tried.

BackEmbrace Black Drizzle at a Desk

Kristina wore her corrector two to three times per day, 30 minutes at a time. At first, she was a little sore as her body adjusted to proper posture, but she said the soreness went away within a week of consistent use. 

How to fix tech neck, according to doctors

Before she wore the posture corrector, Kristina was achy, tight and sore. But those issues disappeared after three weeks. She explains, “I’m more mindful than ever about my posture when I’m both sitting and standing. I don’t mindlessly slouch. My neck and shoulders are much more at ease and the tightness and pain have subsided.”

Video: How to put on the BackEmbrace

Posture corrector before and after: What to expect

These stories might sound familiar, and they illustrate what you can expect when you achieve proper posture. Here are some of the most common experiences BackEmbrace customers report before and after using posture correctors. 

Before a posture corrector

  • Slouching at computer desks and work-at-home spaces
  • Hunched shoulders and rounded backs
  • Poor spine alignment and “tech neck”
  • Sore, tight neck, shoulders and back
  • Pot belly from improper back posture
Bad posture causes headaches. Here’s how to stop them

    After a posture corrector

    • Properly-aligned spine when sitting, standing, walking, jogging and exercising
    • The body is trained to use the proper muscles for static positions and movement
    • No more slouching, hunching or “tech neck”
    • No more pain or tightness in the neck, shoulders and back
    • Flatter tummy and slimmer, taller appearance
    • A sense of body control, strength and general well-being
    • Confidence inspired by good posture
    How to fix hunchback, according to doctors and therapists

      If you struggle to maintain good posture at work, home or play, or if you suffer from tightness and pain in your neck, shoulders and back, an effective posture corrector could help eliminate those symptoms by training your body to maintain proper posture – even when you’re not wearing the corrector. 

      Guide to proper sitting posture: Doctor-recommended positions

      As these before and after stories show, you can expect results with a few weeks of consistent use: a few times a day, up to six hours a day total. Many would consider that a minimal time investment to achieve the health and aesthetic benefits afforded by posture correctors.

      Learn more about BackEmbrace, the first posture support you’ll want to wear
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